Sunday Morning Worship
We gather together each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in our sanctuary. Our worship services are traditional in nature, however you will also find unique and fun contemporary elements. All are welcome.
Music Ministry
On any given Sunday you will find a diversity of music at VUMC.
Our Chancel Choir’s varied music styles can range from a traditional hymns to upbeat pieces that you can clap along to. The Choir also presents full dramas and cantatas.

We showcase the many musically talented members of our church in our house band. If you’re familiar with the local music scene you likely have seen some of them out and about. From unique versions of popular contemporary music to original pieces there is always joy in the air when they play.
We have two bell choirs at VUMC.
Our adult bell choir, the Chancel Bells, turn any hymn or song into an enchanting melody.
Our youth bell choir, the Chimers, showcase the musical abilities of our younger generation.

Our youth choir, the VUMmer Hummers, provide music in worship several times a year. Their voices and songs always uplift us and are always met with a round of cheers.

Our organist, Dan Rosenau, is a magician on our pipe organ and can make the piano keys dance and your toes tap. Once you hear Dan play you will understand why he is one of God’s greatest gifts to the worship experience at Vestal UMC.