Swap N Exchange
On the fourth Sunday of each month VUMC will have a table setup in the lower Narthex for the Swap N Exchange of items. Each month the concentration will be a different type of item, but all items are welcome. The items need to be in good condition and in working order to be offered in a free exchange of items.
We can assist Mother Earth by reusing our sustainable items that others may need and many of us have this first world problem of too much stuff. Let’s share with others our bounty of items. Bring the items in a bit early before service the designated Sunday. Items that are not taken and are not desired will be boxed up and donated to a charity of the Outreach Teams choice. Items are on a first come first serve bases.
So, you can prepare by gathering items now to be collected for the next months. Here are the next few months' themes:
July 28 Children’s Books
August 25 Garden Produce
September Tools and Automotive
October Christmas Decorations